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Welcome to my blog! I’m so happy you stopped by! On these pages I hope that you find inspiration to share reading fun with the littles in your life. I see myself as a kind of cheerleader for reading. I adore the process of watching kids fall in love with books and reading.

I have worked with kids from infancy through high school in my travels as an educator and librarian. I am a certified English teacher who fell in love with school librarianship. I have used my Master’s Degree in Library Science in both the public and school library, serving as elementary school librarian for 8 years and moonlighting in the public library. After my first baby bookworm was born I became a Stay at Home Mombrarian. Now with two little bookworms, this blog allows me to share with you the fun we have with reading at my house! We’ve also become a homeschooling family, so we pretty much always have our library cards maxed out, and I love to share the gems we discover!

Bookworm #1 was born in December of 2014.

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Bookworm #2 was born in February of 2013.

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They keep me running to the library for new material, and inspire me to bring you the best ideas for growing your own bookworms. I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures with literacy! Thanks for visiting!

Keep Reading!

Also see this post for some bio fun, The Librarian in the House: Who, Me?  And this post about our storybook wedding (in our local library!).



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