Rooted Childhood Curriculum Review
Predictably, I read my kids piles of books every day. We max out library cards and completed 1000 Books Before Kindergarten in practically a few weeks. BUT, they are woefully lacking in basic craft experiences.
Truthfully, I took my toddlers to storytime more for the crafts than the books, since we often had already read the books. I figured it was a win-win to have them gluing and cutting and shaking glitter over the library’s linoleum than at home. I am just not a crafty mom. Pinterest craft searches inevitably end in bleary, or teary-eyed despair.
And yet I have two boys who love to create. And truthfully, I love to create as well. Just not toddler and preschool crafts that take longer to plan and clean up than execute, and that end up in mommy’s craft filing bin (i.e. the trash) within two days. Sigh.
Full disclosure: After using the curricula mentioned in this post myself, I signed up to become an affiliate. I only recommend what I love! I earn a small commission for qualified sales.

Rooted Childhood has been the cure for our imbalance, if you will. While not exactly a “curriculum,” Rooted Childhood has become my most favorite area to plan into our weeks. It’s the perfect combination of inspiring and yet doable- activities that are curated and laid out and tested by a mama of three. Much like A Year of Playing Skillfully provided a practical and organized plan for enriching and fun learning activities for my littles, Rooted Childhood has done the same at this stage of our journey. (My Bookworms are currently age 4 and almost 6, and we are still using AYOPS which you can read about here.)
In addition to handicrafts, each month of Rooted Childhood provides a really solid booklist of seasonal books (you know how picky I am about books, and I have loved them all!); recipes; an original story; poems; songs and fingerplays. About 30 pages of content, and related video tutorials as well!

But, the most helpful area of Rooted Childhood for our family has been the handicrafts, and it’s what led me to initially purchase my first month back in September. It’s inspired me to tackle sewing and needle felting with my 5 year old, thread cranberry garland with my 3 year old, and we have a fantastic Winter Solstice celebration planned for next week! Incidentally, “handicrafts” are meaningful projects that have value, teach a skill, could develop into a lifelong hobby, or even decorate your home. They don’t end up in the trash can but rather develop little hands and hearts in the process.
It’s remarkable how this little content bundle could impact our home in big ways. I find myself knitting which leads to the boys grabbing their projects and settling beside me. Rooted Childhood is rooting us in rich soil as a family, growing right alongside one another. The tagline “create and connect through the seasons” is so perfect!
If you’d like to give it a try, I have a coupon code to offer you for 10% off : librarianinthehouse10. You can purchase a single month, seasonal set, or even a year-long bundle. I am an affiliate, but only because I love Rooted Childhood so much!
If you have any questions about Rooted Childhood, I’d love to connect with you! Find me on my Facebook page or Instagram account, or in the comments below. Don’t forget to use my coupon code for a discount if you decide to give it a try! librarianinthehouse10

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