Glorious “G” Authors {Picture Book Tour}
When I started out on the picture book tour idea, I thought it might take us about two years. Well, as it turns out it’s been a year and we’ve made it through the first seven stops. Insert #slowclap here. Not exactly moving at a dizzying pace it may seem. BUT, we have read hundreds upon hundreds of books, and I think we’re on target for my overarching goal: expose my kids to the canon of children’s literature, the old and the new alike. We’ve filled our home with so many exceptional stories and we’re just a quarter of the way through.
My greatest challenge with this series is turning our reading into a blog post! I carry around a mini notebook with a page dedicated to each letter of the alphabet, and as we come across great books I scribble the author/title down.
From there I create a printable chart to post on the blog. Then I usually get writer’s block and the list sits idle. Case in point: the “G” chart was created in July. Published here on the blog in January. In the spirit of moving forward, I’m going to simplify these posts with less text. The printable list will include expanded titles and age ranges. I do hope this is helpful to you! Please (really!) send me a comment and let me know how I can make this more helpful or accessible to you.
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Glorious Reads from “G” Authors
Gag, Wanda. It’s incredible to think that Millions of Cats could have been enjoyed by my Bookworms’ great grandparents when they were toddlers! It is coming up on its 90th birthday! I’m not surprised it’s still in print and still beloved.
Galdone, Paul. Another classic author found in the “G” shelves! Galdone’s folktales are not to be missed and provide a foundation in cultural literacy for growing bookworms. There are so many “fractured folktales” to be enjoyed with a basis in these. But, for the youngest bookworms they’re just fun! (There’s a reason folktales have been retold over centuries after all!)
Gravett, Emily. Switching gears to a newer author (certainly by comparison) of adorable, fun stories! My preschoolers enjoy Tidy, The Rabbit Problem, and the Bear & Hare series; my elementary students enjoyed the humor of Wolves and Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears (both in the metafiction category, so best for older readers who understand that type of humor).
For a printable PDF version to take to your library or bookstore, click here. This printable includes the featured authors above as well as half a dozen others that time and space simply didn’t allow me to expound upon.
Be sure to follow the Facebook page or subscribe below to receive updates of future shelf tours! Shelf “H” coming right up! (probably)
Books mentioned in this post should be readily available at your library, or at the affiliate links provided.
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