Monthly Update: Baby Bookworm, Age 1
As a parent, how can you not get sentimental about your baby’s first birthday?! What a milestone! Baby Bookworm has officially traveled all the way around the sun. It’s been the quickest year of my life!
This’ll be my last monthly update for him, but I’ll be sharing quarterly updates of his reading interests, along with a 7-part baby sign language series that I’ll be kicking off in January. And of course updating our adventures of pursuing literacy as a family. (I’ll admit I am relieved to be done taking those monthly sticker pictures! Boy do they get difficult right around the 8 month mark!)
For Firstborn Bookworm I’ve created an infographic for his birthday each year to encapsulate the highlights of his budding personality. Of course I have one for Baby #2. I chose the Dewey Decimal System as my jumping off point. I hope you enjoy!
As far as his reading interests at the moment, we are seeing increased enthusiasm for reading! He shows obvious interest in stories I read with his big brother (especially during mealtimes when he’s strapped in!). He laughs at my storytelling antics and claps at the story’s end (when big bro finds it worthy of applause anyhow!). He also clearly understands when I ask him to “go choose a book to read.” This week when I asked him to pick a book, he actually crawled over to the bookshelf, sorted through, and located a particular book he wanted! Love! He is loving Eric Carle right now, although I’ve been sticking with board books so that he can have access on his own terms. He finds great joy in turning board book pages.
I’ll be sharing later today our first birthday photo shoot… taken at our local library. A few sneak peeks in the infographic above. 🙂
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