Monthly Book Log {March 2018, Age 5}
This month’s book log has something for everyone to love– from preschool through adult! We read such a variety of levels this month, from long chapter books (we devoured 3 of the Little House audios as a family) to early readers to a 192 page picture book. Yup, you read that right. Take a look at that monkey private eye. Adorable! Both Pre K Bookworm and Preschool Bookworm (age 3) listened in on these all month.
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The Lucky Wheel (Tales from Maple Ridge series) by Grace Gilmore. We have been on a roll reading about one of these per month. This installment had such an impact on PreK Bookworm– he wanted to be just like Logan and have a fix-it shop where he could repair all sorts of odds and ends. It’s been interesting… no mind he’s many years younger than the character he’s emulating. But I love that he’s connecting with literature in that way!
The Complete Brambly Hedge by Jill Barklem. This collection contains eight stories with many illustrations. We read about one story per night. They’re sweet, innocent tales of a mouse community and the various goings on throughout the year. Some nice seasonal stories (each season has its own standout story).
Baby Monkey, Private Eye by Brian Selznick and David Serlin *This isn’t really a true chapter book, even though it has chapters and is 192 pages long. It consists primarily of (gorgeous) illustration and a few words per page. I include it because it is just SO GOOD and want to pass along the title!
Mouse and Mole series: Fine Feathered Friends; Upstairs Mouse, Downstairs Mole; A Brand New Day with Mouse & Mole by Wong Herbert Yee. Both Bookworm Boys enjoyed this series. They are early reader books and much shorter than most of the chapter books we typically read, but a great addition. There are several others in the series that we’ve requested for next month.
A Little House listening spree, as you can see! I was amazed by how much Preschool Bookworm took to these at age 3. Normally he wants music in the car, but he requested these over and over! One cute moment- I bought a used ice cream maker on Craigslist this month; when I told PB that we would be making ice cream at home, his eyes got wide and he excitedly said, “Just like Farmer Boy makes ice cream at home!” … not exactly but nice connection! LOL
The Little House in the Big Woods
Winnie the Pooh: Pooh Goes Visiting and other stories {dramatized} I snagged this through Audible for less than $3. Although I prefer the Peter Dennis narrations , this dramatized version held the boys’ attention and they requested it at every car ride. Who doesn’t love Pooh?
What have you been reading lately? Connect with me in the comments below, on Instagram or Facebook!
Look for these books at your local library, or at the affiliate links provided.
10 Picture Books About Giants

Ins and Outs of Audible
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