Activities, Age 1-2, Age 2-3, Age 3-5, Age 5-8, Age early elementary, Big Kids, Bookworm Bingo, Our Literate Life, Printables
March Bookworm Bingo FREE Printable of Literacy Activities
March in my neck of the woods is a dreary month when we’re all itching for warm weather but it’s not quite here… the perfect time to brighten everyone’s calendar with literacy based FUN!
I hope that this month’s Bookworm Bingo inspires you to celebrate the joy of reading! You can download a PDF of March’s Bookworm Bingo here. You’ll find a flexible springboard to encourage you to infuse literacy based activities into your month. I’ve included ideas to pair with the start of spring, Women’s History Month, and other library & reading related activities.
I would love to hear how you use this bingo with your bookworms! Tag me @librarianinthehouse on social media or find me on my Instagram or Facebook pages.