Homeschool Planning & Self-Assessment
Before I ever touch my curriculum or start filling in our weekly rhythm, I spend a solid slice of time alone with my journal and a list of questions. I’ve been revisiting this ritual and these questions twice a year for the past 3 years. This baker’s dozen of planning and self-assessment questions always, without fail, helps me to cut through the NOISE and focus. The noise is deafening for a homeschool mom trying to sort through the whole blessed internet and the carefully posed instagram feeds. The choices are just so beautiful, and I wonder if I’m short changing my children if I fail to buy that latest thing that caught my eye. My favorites list is overflowing, and my blood pressure is high.
When I sit with these questions, covered in prayer, I return to the foundation- the why.
Why are we homeschooling this year?
What can we offer to our children’s experience that is unique to homeschooling?
How do I want my child to describe his/her home and childhood once s/he is grown?
Once these are in focus, it becomes easier to toss aside the possibilities that don’t line up with our vision. Taking time to reflect on the learners in MY home and the teacher (that’s me!), and what makes us shine… that brings me back to the beauty of this opportunity to homeschool! I get to custom design our school days to optimize growth for just the three learners under my roof. GET TO! What a blessing!
You can download the questions here in PDF format (or save the image above for JPG).
Speaking of blessings, I more recently found a prayer guide that I have found to be so encouraging. I’m almost through 31 Days of Praying for My Homeschool and truly wishing it were 365 days. Take a look on Leah’s website Homeschooling Well to download the guide for free.
If you’re looking for more homeschooling posts, you may like my Homeschool Inspiration Reading List (for the teacher- you 🙂 ) or my index of homeschooling posts which is growing. If you’re in planning mode, look for my post How We Homeschool: Schedule and Rhythm.
I pray this blesses you and your homeschool! Look for me on instagram to follow our favorite books and resources all year long!

How We Homeschool: Schedule & Rhythm
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