Age 3-5,  Age early elementary,  Audiobooks,  Chapter Books

Favorite Books for Five Year Olds {compiled by a 6 year old}

We now have a bookish birthday tradition that I adore.  Each year, I ask my birthday boy for his favorite chapter books read over the past year. (This is when the blog comes in handy, because I have them all listed!)  It is so much fun, and just a touch sentimental, to re-live the memories of reading together– to recall favorite characters and scenes. I present to you, my new Six-Year-Old Bookworm’s list of….

Favorite Books I Read While I Was Five (Family Read Alouds):

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Kinder Bookworm’s top favorites were not all unique to his five year old reading– three were enjoyed when he was four as well. And you know what, I enjoyed them too. Isn’t that the way with really great books?? Timeless and ageless 🙂
Growly series, especially Begin and Widewater. These books made an impression on my nature loving, sensitive firstborn. He enjoyed the adventure and excitement of Growly’s journey which was blessedly free from “bad guys,” instead focusing on persevering against the elements and the odds. I was impressed that his attention was sustained by a rather slow moving plot (and hardly any pictures), but Growly is pretty much an irresistible character (he’s also a Bear). We loved cheering him on during his journey.

The Boxcar Children series. This series made it to the very top of the list last year as well. I am so grateful that they’re available for free through our library’s Hoopla app! Although we enjoyed the first three  books in the series (which we purchased on Audible and definitely found worth that one credit for all three stories), KB listened to them so many times that he was thrilled to continue the Alden siblings’ mysteries in the rest of the series. Coincidentally, he does refer to those siblings during conversation as if they were his actual siblings at times.

Related Post: How to Get the Most Bang for Your Audible Credit {Kids’ Audiobook Collections}

Henry Huggins series. Just like The Boxcar Children series above, Henry Huggins topped last year’s list and is basically part of the family. I also think it’s adorable that KB has become accustomed to the cost of items at price points enjoyed in the 1950s. This was another series we purchased through Audible– for one credit the “collection” includes six stories, lasting over 15 hours.

The House at Pooh Corner. Quintessential childhood. I adore reading Pooh as much as my kids enjoy listening. (We have also greatly enjoyed Peter Dennis’s narration through Audible.)

Tales from Maple Ridge series. This series is full of gentle, old fashioned stories; in addition to wholesome messages, they contain pictures on nearly every page and short chapters. Perfect early chapter read alouds! My Kinder Bookworm really connected with protagonist Logan Pryce, wanting to emulate him in some of his handiwork and skills, too. Very sweet!

In no particular order, the other 5 year old winners!

  • The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
  • Princess in Black
  • Zoey and Sassafrass series
  • Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
  • Thimbleberry Stories
  • Tales from Deckawoo Drive series (Mercy Watson series- same characters, a few steps up in level)
  • Hilda the Hen Who Wouldn’t Give Up
  • Adventures of Sophie Mouse series
  • The Trumpet of the Swan

I’m excited to see what this list looks like next year!  With a budding reader on my hands, the list may evolve to two lists– independent reads and shared family reads, perhaps. Either way, I know the reading pull is strong in this one. We routinely need to seek him out when we call and he doesn’t answer… because he was too engrossed in a book to hear. #librarianmomproblems

What books do you recommend for my new SIX year old?? I’d love to hear! Connect with me in the comments below, or on my Insta account or Facebook page. Books mentioned should be readily available at your local library, or at the affiliate links provided. Thanks for supporting the blog (at no extra cost to you) if you choose to purchase.


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