Family Read Alouds {Spring 2022, Age 7 and 9}
These books will forever have a place in my heart as our third and fourth trimester read alouds. 💕 I’ll always recall being hugely pregnant and snuggling to read with my big boys, hoping to feel baby kicks and hiccups. Then reading with Baby Girl strapped to my chest while I rocked and bounced and held a book in one hand. Exhausting days but so full of treasured memories. I decided to prioritize connection with my older kids through read aloud time during these transitional seasons, and it has served me well. Math and grammar can wait.
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Half Magic by Edward Eager. A classic, published in 1954. This is a great summer book (and will appear on my forthcoming Summer Read Alouds list!) as it follows four siblings who, at the start of the tale, are lamenting how boring their summer break is expected to be… until they find a mysterious coin that grants HALF of whatever you wish. The kids find themselves in a variety of wacky scenarios as they learn how to wish for twice as much as they want, filling their summer with adventure after adventure.
Gooseberry Park series (3 books) by Cynthia Rylant. The first was our favorite by far, but we enjoyed each of the books in this trilogy. At times we were all laughing in hysterics, and at times I had a tear in my eye for the sweetness of the storyline. The characters are worthy examples displaying courage, empathy, resourcefulness, and creativity. Environmental themes are woven throughout (impact of climate change on animals, especially the most vulnerable). First book in the series was published in 1995, the third in 2022!
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl. My boys both enjoyed this wacky tale of the giant peach which whisks James away from his troubled life. They eagerly told Dad about the latest adventures at dinner each day. I was surprised to find that we learned a bit about insects along the way as well!
Squirreled Away (Dead Sea Squirrels series)
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
That’s a wrap for now! Follow along for updates on our summer reading 🙂 Instagram / Facebook
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