Corduroy Birthday Party {Bookish Birthdays}
Toddler Bookworm’s favorite stuffed animal is adorably named “Cordy Roy,” also known as Corduroy. When I suggested having a Corduroy themed birthday party, he was ALL IN. Even though it was basically a play date with cake and presents, I designed an invitation. For fun 🙂 I included the text from the final page, “You must be a friend… I’ve always wanted a friend.”
If you’re not familiar with the text of the book (i.e. if you haven’t memorized it as we have), as Corduroy encounters new experiences throughout his nighttime journey to find his missing button, he exclaims, “This must be…” followed by “I’ve always wanted to…” (Upon seeing an escalator: “This must be a mountain! I’ve always wanted to climb a mountain!”)
For decor, I photocopied pages from the Corduroy books and created pennant banners, and used my die cut machine to make button confetti as well as props for our games.
Our party agenda included
- Button playdough station to keep little hands busy while guests were arriving
- Button freeze dance (when the music stops, jump on a button!) to Toddler Bookworm’s favorite song (“This is Living” by Hillsong Young & Free).
- A flashlight scavenger hunt throughout our house for missing buttons. (I love that 3 year olds don’t need any more competition, prizes, or general excitement beyond, “Go find buttons!”)
- Storytime (of course!)
- And viewing the live action movie (affiliate link. I earn from qualifying purchases), which is absolutely magical. (I used to show this to my kindergarten classes each year and it was a highlight. Watching them watch it was a perennial favorite part of my year.)
Our cake and favors were also bear themed: cupcakes topped with teddy graham crackers and gummy bears.
Happy Birthday, Toddler Bookworm! I guess it’s time to upgrade your blog name to Preschool Bookworm! #bittersweet
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