Closet Reading Nook Transformation {Nature Theme}
In a series of oddly related events, including installing a brand new roof on our home, we ended up transforming Preschool Bookworm’s closet into a reading nook as his “big” Christmas gift this year. It was the most magical gift I’ve ever given and based on current stats, likely to be the most used gift ever as well. The Bookworms spent the night at Nonna & Pop’s while Daddy Bookworm and I painted and decorated the space. Because clearly December 23rd is a good day to take on a painting project. #worthit
My attempts to both explain in words and photograph the space have been met with a variety of blank expressions and nodding-even-though-I-have-no-idea-what-you’re-saying. Hopefully you’ll catch the idea and maybe be inspired to create a reading nook for your bookworms! (And of course I neglected to take a “before” shot! Fail. Suffice it to say it was a storage closet, not actually used for clothing or anything useful.)
My Preschool Bookworm is a budding naturalist. He wants to know everything about, well, everything in creation. He says he wants to be a scientist when he grows up and has a treasured nature notebook. He charts the moon’s phases, finds delight in calling out from the highway, “Look, Mom! There’s phragmities growing there (common reeds). That must mean there’s water nearby” and similar observations inducing wonderment from Mama Bookworm. So, *naturally* we used nature as our theme, combined with reading. A given.
I purchased two tension rods (shower curtain rods) for a few dollars and hung the first at the doorway with a coordinating curtain.
When you enter the space, you’ll see it’s a unique closet, begging for this sort of treatment! This is the access to our attic (explaining the connection between the transformation and the new roof, via whole house attic insulation.) It’s made of three areas, each about 2.5′ x 3′ and around 2.5′ height between each “step.” At the first level, we covered an old couch cushion which happened to fit perfectly! Snuggly reading area #1. Check!
This (below) is the view from the doorway/floor, so you can see the three steps. Each has a nice sized area to snuggle! At the center is a pull across curtain (toddler sized sheet) with a woodland creatures print on another tension rod. The posters throughout are from a set purchased via the U.S. Forest Service. We adore them and have them in at least three areas of the house (the set came with 15 for $15 and I also got letter sized prints for an additional $4!).
Nature everywhere! My bookworms more often than not can be found with the overhead light out, and their LED candles, string lights, and Moon in My Room (Amazon affiliate link. I earn from qualified purchases) creating quite the ambiance. On the top level is a box of nature finds, including some special gems from our past Nature Pal Exchange. (And isn’t the book border absolutely perfect? It CAME WITH THE HOUSE! Not part of the makeover!)Preschool Bookworm loves having a special hideout space and has been thrilled to give tours to everyone who has entered our home since Christmas morning. My favorite was when he had a playdate with another five year old boy: they were quiet for a bit longer than is generally safe, and I found them poring over the pages of a volcano book in the “nature fort.” #winning
Do you or your little bookworms have your own special reading areas? I’d love to hear about them! Connect with me in the comments below or on the Facebook page!
If you have a naturalist bookworm, you might enjoy my post Nature Books for Kids, or my roundup of moon books from the Obsession Meet Book series.
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