- Age 3-5, Age 5-8, Age 8-12, Age early elementary, Homeschool, Homeschool Curriculum, Our Literate Life, Poetry, Teatime
Dash into Poetry {Review & Our Experience}
We love poetry and we love the Dash into Reading program, so Dash into Poetry was a no-brainer purchase! My kids and I are all in love with this new addition to our poetry teatimes. (Dash into Poetry does NOT…
Summertime Poetry & Popsicles
We enjoy poetry teatime throughout the year, but those “teatimes” shift into poetry with a side of various cooler treats in the summertime! Most often, we enjoy Poetry & Popsicles, or sometimes Poetry & Milkshakes! What a great time of…
Celebrating Seasons {Booklist & Calendar of Firsts}
As our calendars were cleared of virtually everything else this past year, we have thoroughly enjoyed observing the changing of seasons. I love the gentleness and predictability, and my kids enjoy the anticipation of what each new season will bring.…
Poetry Teatime Tips
My kids and I have enjoyed hundreds of poetry teatimes together. I first heard of this beautiful idea when my oldest was 3 (he will be 8 in a few weeks!). Quite frankly when I first learned about it, the…
Teatime Birthday Party
Today I had the joy of throwing my niece a “girls only” tea party for her 4th birthday. Normally with winter birthdays and boys, I felt out of my element at first but I quickly adjusted. This was a…