Our Literate Life
- Age 5-8, Age 8-12, Age early elementary, Homeschool, Homeschool Curriculum, Nature & Outdoors, Our Literate Life
Scouting for Wild Ones {Curriculum Review}
I’m so excited for this! Scouting for Wild Ones is the curriculum we’ll be working through with our homeschool nature co-op this year. Our group of six families has met weekly, year round, outdoors, for the past 2 years (with…
Homeschool Third Grade {Curriculum Picks}
Every new grade level we encounter feels BIG. I remember clearly how intimidating kindergarten felt when my oldest hit that milestone. Now third grade is up, and I am shocked my firstborn is out of the K-2 bracket altogether! We’ve…
- Age 3-5, Age 5-8, Age 8-12, Age early elementary, Christian faith based books, Homeschool, Our Literate Life
Sabbath in Our Christian Home
Implementing a Sabbath rhythm has been so life giving over the past year and a half. One of the ways we saw the kindness and provision of the Lord during pandemic was through Sabbath. For Christmas 2019, my Dad received…
All Time Favorite Audiobooks {that Grown Ups Like Too}
We’ve logged hundreds and hundreds of hours listening to audiobooks! We always have one going in the car, and the most anticipated part of “packing” for a road trip is the selection of the book we’ll be listening to! I…
Road Trip Books & My Survival Secret
We were a little rusty packing for this most recent road trip, but I managed to occupy my 6yo (not reading independently) and my 8yo. My top survival secret for road trips: a schedule! At home we follow a “rhythm”…
- Age 5-8, Age 8-12, Age early elementary, Audiobooks, Chapter Books, Monthly Update, Our Literate Life
Family Read Alouds {Spring 2021}
Several classics and a few lesser known books, this Spring was an interesting mix of books enjoyed in an interesting mix of locations– from the couch to the patio, to the first road trips of the season! Here’s what we’ve…
Family Read Alouds {Age 6 and 8, Winter 2021}
These long, dreary, wet, cold days have been GREAT for read aloud time! We’ve enjoyed every one of these books so much! A mix of older and new, these characters and adventures have a special place in our hearts now!…
Valentine’s Day Rabbit Trails {Handicrafts & Books About Mail}
Ah, rabbit trails! I love them when it comes to following the spark of your child’s interests and imagination… I’m not talking about urban dictionary’s idea of rabbit trails here: “the veering off subject or of the point of the…
Valentine’s Day Books and Traditions
I haven’t always been a fan of Valentine’s Day… too many lonely Valentine’s Days probably scarred me. But when I became a SAHM with two little ones and was attempting to survive long cold winters, a mid-winter celebration full of…
Poetry Teatime Tips
My kids and I have enjoyed hundreds of poetry teatimes together. I first heard of this beautiful idea when my oldest was 3 (he will be 8 in a few weeks!). Quite frankly when I first learned about it, the…
Gingerbread Stories and Spin Offs
There are loads of fun gingerbread stories out there! In fact, this is my THIRD post of gingerbread books! This year I saved gingerbread for January. It’s hard closing the door on the festivities of December, so this was a…
Gifts We’re Still Using (Years Later!)
I expected my kids to outgrow their toys quickly… but that hasn’t been the case with many items we have purchased over the years. I’ve learned that open ended toys (that, in the vast majority of cases don’t require batteries)…
United States Geography Resources for Homeschool {Books and Games}
We’re traveling through the regions of the U.S. for our homeschool geography unit. I’m dividing our unit according to the songs by Kathy Troxel. We’ve used these songs for all of our geography studies (around the world) and they are…
- Age 5-8, Age 8-12, Age early elementary, Audiobooks, Chapter Books, Family Read Alouds, Our Literate Life
Family Read Alouds {July-Aug 2020}
Out of our normal routines in these lazy days of summer and skimping on bedtime stories due to sheer exhaustion, we haven’t been reading as much as usual. Here’s what we read the past two months: This post contains affiliate…
First Day of Homeschool Celebration! {Student Interview Free Printable}
As a kid, I LOVED the first day of school! I loved all the new supplies and fresh clothes, the excitement of a new batch of classes and all that went with it. Now that we’re homeschooling I don’t want…