Age 8-12
Poetry Teatime Tips
My kids and I have enjoyed hundreds of poetry teatimes together. I first heard of this beautiful idea when my oldest was 3 (he will be 8 in a few weeks!). Quite frankly when I first learned about it, the…
Favorite Family Read Aloud Books
There’s no simple way to rank the Top Picks of our family read alouds for the year. But we tried! On New Year’s Eve we reminisced over the books we’ve read the last 12 months. I printed my seasonal book…
Gingerbread Stories and Spin Offs
There are loads of fun gingerbread stories out there! In fact, this is my THIRD post of gingerbread books! This year I saved gingerbread for January. It’s hard closing the door on the festivities of December, so this was a…
Family Read Alouds {Sept-Dec 2020}
This season of reading saw us revisiting some old favorites and meeting some new classics as well. In particular, the My Side of the Mountain series captured my boys’ hearts and led to a deep dive into the world of…
Car Scavenger Hunt- Christmas Lights! {Free Printable}
Necessity is the mother of invention, and this mother needed to invent some reasons to get my wild kids out of the house in the evenings! The “witching hour” that they talk about with babies seems to just morph with…
Books We Read All Year Long
While I’m obviously an advocate and fan of using your local public library, there are books that we’ve been so glad to have as part of our permanent collection. These often started out as books that we checked out of…
Preschool Thru Mid-Elementary Gameschool Board Games
It’s family game season in our home! As the days have grown short and cold, we’ve been pulling out lots of games to occupy our minds and time! Here are the favorites we’ve enjoyed over the past few years in…
Our Advent Plan: Books & Candles
If I had to sum up our Advent plans in two words, those would be books and candles. My head has been spinning with all of the beautiful ideas that have been bombarding my social media feed since October. But,…
Gifts We’re Still Using (Years Later!)
I expected my kids to outgrow their toys quickly… but that hasn’t been the case with many items we have purchased over the years. I’ve learned that open ended toys (that, in the vast majority of cases don’t require batteries)…
Giftable Homeschool Supplies for Holidays and Birthdays
I’m sure I’m not the only one who sneaks homeschool supplies into their kids’ gift giving… right? I see it as a way to stretch the holiday/birthday budget by including items that could technically come from our schooling budget. Fortunately,…
- Age 5-8, Age 8-12, Age early elementary, Homeschool, Homeschool Curriculum, Middle Grades, Nature & Outdoors, Science, STEM
Microscopes and Microbes Picture Books for Kids
A few weeks ago I upgraded my kids’ microscope. To this point, we’ve used a simple 8x, two-eyepiece microscope (pictured below), and we have loved it! We’ve explored a variety of treasures we’ve found on our nature walks, coins, and…
Fall Picture Books {Autumn, Seasons, Pumpkins, Halloween}
This post is just as much for me as it is for my readers! I love adding to this list each year as we discover new books, and to remind me of our annual favorites! It’s such a treasure to…
- Age 5-8, Age 8-12, Age early elementary, Audiobooks, Chapter Books, Family Read Alouds, Our Literate Life
Family Read Alouds {July-Aug 2020}
Out of our normal routines in these lazy days of summer and skimping on bedtime stories due to sheer exhaustion, we haven’t been reading as much as usual. Here’s what we read the past two months: This post contains affiliate…
First Day of Homeschool Celebration! {Student Interview Free Printable}
As a kid, I LOVED the first day of school! I loved all the new supplies and fresh clothes, the excitement of a new batch of classes and all that went with it. Now that we’re homeschooling I don’t want…
How We Homeschool: Schedule & Rhythm
Before I began homeschooling, I didn’t personally know any home educating families. When I was growing up, I only knew one family that homeschooled. I babysat for that family, but truthfully I still didn’t know what it really was all…