Camping Picture Books
Add this post to my list of “topics I never thought I’d write about.” When Hubby Bookworm and I met, he described some of his camping trips and I listened with a mix of fear and incredulousness. Fear that he might want to camp WITH ME, and incredulousness that he voluntarily went on these excursions. His camping gear patiently waited in our basement until our Bookworm #1 arrived and blossomed into a nature enthusiast. Item 437 on the list of “Ways Kids Change You.” Lo and behold I slept in a tent last weekend… and it wasn’t horrible! Lest you think me braver than you should, I’ll fully admit it was in the backyard, and I went inside at 2am. #babysteps
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My own opinions of camping aside, we had a blast reading ABOUT camping leading up to the big event. Our beloved preschool curriculum released a summer supplement, A Summer of Playing Skillfully(aff), and a portion focused on camping. (You can read about our experience with the curriculum in this post, and about the summer supplement curriculum here.) My Bookworms pretend camped in the basement for weeks, made lists of camping supplies, learned about the night sky & constellations, researched nocturnal creatures, and begged for marshmallows every time the pantry door opened.
When the big day arrived, we set up our tent in the backyard, took a nature walk, ate hot dogs, roasted marshmallows, observed the night sky with the Sky View App (we saw Mars and Saturn!), and read stories by lantern light before snuggling in for the night. Miraculously, both Bookworms slept until 7am! I have a feeling we’ll be repeating this soon, and perhaps even venturing out of the yard. 🙂
Here are our favorite books that feature camping:
Do you have favorite camping books? Or, are you a bit suspicious of the whole idea? 😉 Connect with me in the comments below, on my Insta account, or Facebook page.
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Laura McCarthy
Loved this melissa!
Librarian in the House
Thanks, Laura! I’m growing 🙂 Books help the process. LOL