Books We Read All Year Long
While I’m obviously an advocate and fan of using your local public library, there are books that we’ve been so glad to have as part of our permanent collection. These often started out as books that we checked out of the library and renewed so many times I felt it was unfair to hoard any longer! Many are reference books that we pull from frequently, without really knowing we’d be needing a book about such and such topic.
These poetry volumes have been wonderful to pull from over and over- they’re substantial in length, so they don’t get boring. I’ll often try to have picture book length poetry books for our Poetry Teatime, but sometimes we’ll just pull these, open and go! Read more about our Poetry Teatime here.
We pull out A Year Full of Stories typically once a month and read through their collection of seasonal folktales in one sitting.
This giant treasury from Harper Collins is an excellently well rounded collection of classic picture books with their complete text/illustrations. This has been a life saver when we’re running dry.
Inquiring minds want to know- and these books have been wonderful for various wonderings throughout the years. My oldest son’s latest obsession has been birds of prey, so we’ve used the index to find various hawks in many of these.
We pull from these geography books alllll the time, in short bursts.
These typically are pulled out to accompany our history curriculum, or sit on our kitchen table bookstand for browsing while munching. (Heart and Soul we read together as we come to each era of US history- my kids need to read this on my lap because it is difficult.)
Much of the remainder of our home library has been collected from used book sales, thrift stores, and gifts. We tend to rely on our public library for specific titles.
You may also be interested in my post of seasonal poetry books that we come back to with the changing of each season: Poetry for Changing Seasons.
What books do you own that you are so glad are YOURS? Connect with me in the comments below, or on my Instagram or Facebook accounts.
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