Activities,  Age 1-2,  Age 2-3,  Age 3-5,  Age early elementary,  Fall Faves

A Simple Autumn Math Game

Do your kids have bountiful nature collections every autumn like mine do? I created this simple Fall themed math game after looking at a giant pile of acorns and thinking, “There must be a game here somewhere!”  It’s pretty basic, but my kids enjoyed it!

The object of the game is to be the first to fill your board with 20 acorns, adding by the number that you spin on your turn. You can play it simply with littles who are learning one-to-one correspondence (basically ignoring the numbers on the board), or you can use it for addition, or even subtraction (how many more acorns do you need to reach twenty?).

PS. I love that we’ve hit the age when we can play board games together! Our other nature themed preschool favorites are Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel, Hoot Owl Hoot, Hi-Ho Cherry-O, and I have on our wishlist Bird Bingo! (affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

If you’d like to try my game at home, here’s a copy of the printables! PDF of the game board here and spinner here (just add a paper clip and a brad fastener…and 20 acorns per player.)

acorn counting game

I’ll be updating our Fall favorite read alouds list very soon! You can take a peek at my previous lists here:

Fall Faves: A Short List

Fall Faves: A Short List Slightly Expanded 

Poetry for Changing Seasons